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Gastroenterology Treatment Packages in India

Gastroenterology Treatment Packages in India

Gastroenterology is that specialty which deals with digestive disorders, problems of stomach, intestines, colon and pancreas. If you are searching for affordable Gastroenterology treatment packages for procedures such as gall bladder surgery, endoscopy, ERCP, endoscopy pseudocyst drainage, hernia repair and cholesystectomy, The India Healthcare is here to help you out. These surgical procedures are quite affordable in India than in the United States or in any other Western country. Get assistance in early detection, diagnosis and treatment of gastro-intestinal diseases by services of professional doctors and assisting staff, personalized medical care, treatment at state-of-the-art medical institutions, use of latest world-class technology etc.

Gastroenterology Days in Hospital Procedure Cost (USD) Procedure Cost (INR)
Sleeve Gastrectomy including stapling 4 6500 390000
Gastric Bypass including stapling 4 8600 516000
BL Inguinal Hernia (With Prolene mesh) 2 1991 119460
Lap Cholestectomy(Gall Bladder Removal) 2 1541 92460
Umblical Hernia (With High Generation Mesh) 2 2371 142260
Hiatus repair (With High Generation Mesh) 2 2608 156480
Laparoscopic Fundoplication Surgery for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)Hiatal Hernia 2 4000 240000
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy and Appendectomy 2 2600 156000
Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery 2 3500 to 4500 210000 to 270000
Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH) Surgery Depends upon the treatment 4500 270000
Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy Surgery Depends upon the treatment 3000 180000

The charges mentioned in the above packages are just an estimate and are subject to change, depending on the medical problem and condition of the patient. These are not final packages as post-surgical complications also have a say in the actual bill.

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