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Cancer Treatment

Breast Cancer

What is Breast Cancer?

A collection of cancer cells that appear from the cells of the breast is known as breast cancer. Breast cancer is majorly seen in women, though rare but it also changes men. The calcium deposits or development of a confined small tumor is the beginning of any breast cancer that spread from the blood stream into the other organs or different channels inside the breast into the lymph nodes. The rate of advance and growth are different that can spread even further than the breast.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer in its early moment does not result in any symptoms. However, some of the symptoms are –

Fluid coming out of the nipple can be green, bloodstained or clear to yellow. It can arrive like pus

Lump in the armpit or breast lump which has uneven boundary and hard. This lump generally does not result in any pain

Change in shape or size of the nipple or breast

Tenderness, breast lump and breast injury are some of the common manifestation of male breast cancer.

Advanced Breast Cancer Symptoms

Weight loss

Bone pain

Welling in the armpit

Skin ulcers

Discomfort or breast pain

Types of Breast Cancer

Invasive Breast Cancer: Invasive breast cancer establishes when cancer cells advance outside the lining of lobules or ducts into the nearby tissue of the breast. Invasive breast cancer can be categorized into different types –

Triple Negative Breast Cancer: There are no receptors in this type of disease for HER2 protein, estrogen or progesterone.

Inflammatory Breast Cancer: This is treated as not so common type of breast cancer. This cancer advance when cancer cells blocks lymph vessels of the breast skin. In this, the breast may become aroused or instigate.

Invasive Ductal Breast Cancer: When cancer cells that line the duct have spread into nearby breast tissue then it results in invasive ductal breast cancer.

Paget’s disease of the Breast: A scaly or red bold is visible on the skin of the nipple that results in this type of breast cancer. Women who are adversity from this may also have invasive breast cancer or DCIS.

Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer: This type develops from the cells lining the breast lobes and this type is hard to analyze on a mammogram.

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS): This is treated as the one of the earliest forms of breast cancer. The cancer cells are present in the breast ducts though they have not advanced to nearby breast ornament.

HER2 positive breast cancer: When there is a large number of protein (known as HER2) in breast cancer cells on their surface then it results in HER2 positive breast cancer.

Rarer Type of Breast Cancer

Malignant phyllodes tumor

Medullary breast cancer

Tubular breast cancer

Mucinous breast cancer

Stages of Breast Cancer

Stages of breast cancer depends on four things –

The spread of the cancer in different parts of the body beyond the breast

Size of the cancer

Whether cancer is present in the lymph nodes

Whether cancer is non-invasive or invasive

Different stages include –

Stage 0: This stage explains the non-invasive cancers of the breast that combine DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ).

Stage I: This stage explains the invasive cancers of the breast. Stage 1 is classified into 1A and 1B. In stage 1A, the cancer does not advance outside the breast and the tumor is of about 2cms. In stage 1B, a tumor in the breast is not more than 2cms and it associate small groups of cancer cells.

Stage II: IIA and IIB are the two sub-categories of this stage. Invasive breast cancer is described in stage 11A where –

The size of the tumor is considerable than 2cms but does not eclipse 5cms. It also does not spread to the axillary lymph nodes

The breast has no tumor though cancer is there in 1 to 3 axillary lymph nodes or in the lymph nodes neighboring the breast bone

A tumor can be 2cms or even smaller that has increase to the axillary lymph nodes

Invasive Breast Cancer is described in stage IIB where –

A tumor is more than 5cms that has not spread to the axillary lymph nodes

A tumor is more than 2cms but not larger than 5cms; breast cancer cells small groups- that are bigger than 0.2 millimeter but are not more than 2 millimeters that can be seen in the lymph nodes

A tumor is more than 2cms but not bigger than 5cms; here cancer has spread to 1-3 lymph nodes surrounding the breast bone

Stage III: IIIA, IIIB and IIIC are the three sub-categories of stage 3. The invasive breast cancer described in stage IIIA where

A tumor is more than 5cms and cancer has escalation to the 1-3 lymph nodes neighboring the breast bone

A tumor can be of any size or there could also be no cancer at all. Cancer is there in 4-9 lymph nodes neighboring the breast bone

A tumor is more than 5cms where breast cancer small association can be seen in the lymph nodes

The invasive breast cancer described in stage IIIB where –br>

The cancer has spread to lymph nodes surrounding the breast bone

A tumor does not have any appropriate size that has spread to the breast skin or chest wall appear in an abscess or swelling

The cancer has spread to around 9 axillary lymph nodes

The invasive breast cancer described in stage IIIC where –br>

The cancer has increase to lymph nodes or axillary lymph nodes surrounding the breast bone

No explanation of cancer in the breast and if there is tumor then it could be of any size. This tumor has increase to the breast skin or chest wall

The cancer that has increase below or above the collarbone or to lymph nodes

The cancer that has spread to many axillary nodes

Stage IV: In this stage, the invasive breast cancer has spread to surrounding lymph nodes to the agency that include bones, brain, lungs, skin or distant lymph nodes and beyond the breast.

Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Physical exploration of a patient is done that include armpits, chest area, breasts and neck area. A number of tests are achieve for diagnosing breast cancer that include –

Sentinel lymph node biopsy is implement for checking the spread of cancer to the lymph nodes

Breast ultrasound that will view the existence of lump in fluid-filled or solid form

Mammography is also achieve in order to indentify the breast lump or to screen for breast cancer

CT scan is done for checking the advance of the cancer

Breast biopsy is performed by using different methods that include stereotactic, needle decent or ultrasound guided

PET scan for checking the spread of the cancer

Types of Breast Cancer Surgery

A number of breast cancer surgeries are achieve that depend on the attribute of the tumor, the quantity of healthy tissue that is detached along with tumor or the tumor has metastasized or not. Sometimes the discharge of the lymph nodes below the arm is done while performing the operation in order to see the existence of cancer cells. The different types of breast cancer surgery are –

Radical Mastectomy

Lumpectomy (wide local excision)

Modified Radical Mastectomy

Quadrantectomy, partial or segmental mastectomy

Total Mastectomy

Breast Cancer Treatment

There are a number of treatment options are applicable for treating breast cancer that include –
Radical Mastectomy: The chest wall muscle along with the breast and the axillary lymph nodes are detached in this surgery.

Mastectomy: The removal of all the breast tissue is done while operating a mastectomy.

Radiation Therapy: This therapy uses high stamina rays for destroying cancer cells. Radiation therapy is administrate in two ways –

External Beam Radiation: Here an external machine is used for focusing a beam of radiation on the impressed area. The extent of this surgical agenda is decisive by seeing whether the lymph nodes are impressed or not.

Brachytherapy: This therapy uses radioactive pellets or seeds. These radioactive bullet or seeds are embed into the breast just next to the cancer.

Chemotherapy: In this therapy medications are used that navigation through the bloodstream to the cancer cells. These medications are given either through the mouth or by drip injection.

Modified Radical Mastectomy: The surgical procedure is performed for eliminate axillary lymph nodes along with the breast tissue.

Hormone Therapy: Hormone therapy is used for reducing the risk of cancer reoccurrence after the achievement of the surgery. A hormone produced by the ovaries known as estrogen helps in advertises the success of breast cancers.

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