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Orthopedics Surgery

Shoulder Resurfacing Surgery

An absolute alternative to conventional total shoulder arthroplasty, Total shoulder resurfacing is highly recommendable for younger patients or highly active middle aged or older patients with advanced glenohumeral arthritis.

The reason of Shoulder Resurfacing being so famous is because it involves bone conserving and is less invasive than conventional TSA. It allows patients to move their shoulder earlier, start therapy faster and leads to a quicker recovery. It falls under the outpatient procedure department which means the patient can go back home the same day after surgery. Shoulder exercises start the day of surgery and formal therapy starts within 10-14 days after surgery. Full recovery is about 8-12 weeks. After full recovery the patients have no restrictions in their activities, unlike a conventional TSA. A newer prosthesis is now being used from Arthrosurface with an anatomic humeral head, not a sphere and an inlay cemented plastic socket that sits in the glenoid which does not seem to have the early loosening seen with the other glenoid prosthesis. The Arthrosurface TSR has the potential to be more anatomic with less chance of loosening over time. Patients can potentially return to a high level of activity, unlike that allowed with a conventional TSA.

Potential Advantages Of Shoulder Resurfacing

No Osteotomy has to be performed.

Minimal Bone resection

Less operative time

Easy and fast recovery

Reduced risk of humeral fractures.

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