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Neuro and Spine Surgeries

Parkinson Disease

What is Parkinson Disease?

The revolutionary disorder of the nervous system that especially explanation problem with the movements such as writing and walking is termed as Parkinson’s disease. The disease growth at a slow rate that starts with comparatively appreciable vibration in one hand. Though these tremors are treated as the most compelling symptom of this disease, this disorder commonly results in stiffness or reduces of the movement. Parkinson’s disease changes a large number of people especially who are above 50 years of age. Sometimes this infection is also seen in youthful people between the age group of 21-40 and is termed as ‘Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease.

Stages of Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease results in many symptoms and influence people in different ways. Its symptoms could be mild or severe and the disease is divided into five stages.

Stage 1: This is the introductory stage of Parkinson’s disease and in this patient has mild symptoms. A patient in during this stage struggle shaking in one of the limbs. Tremors also advance in this initial stage. Abnormal facial explanation, poor posture and loss of balance are some of the typical changes in a patient suffering from this infection.

Stage 2: During the second stage, the symptoms are bilateral that influence both sides of the body and limbs. A patient can face problems while manage balance or walking. Another impressive symptom could be the weakness to complete normal physical tasks.

Stage 3: This stage is marked with severe symptoms such as the inability to stand or walk straight. A patient’s physical activity slows down in the third stage.

Stage 4: At this stage, a patient develops severe symptoms. There could be little walking which is usually limited. It has been seen that patients are not able to do their routine tasks and are not able to live independently. Shakiness or tremors may lessen for unidentified reasons.

Stage 5: There is no physical movement in this final stage. A patient may not be able to walk or stand. Constant medical care is required at this stage.

What Causes Parkinson’s Disease?

The depreciation or impairment of the nerve cells (neurons) in the area of the brain is called as substantia nigra that causes Parkinson’s disease. When these neurons behavior commonly they produce dopamine which is an necessary brain chemical. Dopamine allows conversation between corpus striatum (another area of the brain) and substantia nigra. The muscle movement is integrating accurately with this intelligence. When there is no dopamine then there is exceptional nerve working and causes inefficiency to control body development.

Primary Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Tremors: These tremors usually appear in the fingers, chin, hands, mouth, forearms and foot.

Poor Balance: The reason for poor balance is the loss of reflexes that maintain posture. It typically results in unsteady balance that leads to fall.

Slow movement (Bradykinesia): It slows down the voluntary movement that combine walking, sitting up and standing up. This is due to delay in communication signals through the brain to the muscles. It can cause adversity in commence walking and in sincere cases can result in glacial incident once walking has started.

Rigidity: Stiff muscles or rigidity generates muscle pain which boost during movement.

Secondary Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Excessive salivation

Difficulty in swallowing

Cramped and small handwriting


Excessive sweating

Slow response to questions

Isolation, anxiety and depression

Drooling or coughing and choking

Loss of intellectual capacity

Dry skin and scaling on the face or scalp

Whispery and soft voice

Loss of bladder control or bowel

How is Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosed?

The analysis of Parkinson’s disease does not associate any lab tests. The conclusion is done by performing an organized neurological exam. This test includes testing of the reflexes and also recognizes balance, muscle strength throughout the body, strategy and other details of evolution. Contraction of the spinal canal, nerve dysfunction and other types of tremors can be ruled out by operating these tests. In order to consider other disorders, urine tests, blood test, MRI or CT scan can also be appropriate.

Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease can be treated with the help of some component medications. Deep Brain incentive (DBS) is one of the most common surgical proceedings for those patients who are suffering from Parkinson’s disease. This surgery helps in slowing the movements and reduces the harshness of muscle rigidity. During the surgical procedure, a wire inside the brain is linked with a pacemaker type device which is implanted under the skin in the chest.

Other Treatments for Parkinson’s Disease

Other treatments for Parkinson’s disease can help a patient to keep safe and healthy that includes –

Exercise: Regular exploit can ease the symptoms of this disease. Some studies has announce that patients who do regular exercising do better than who don’t. Physical exercise that escalation the heart rate is treated as profitable.

Group Wellness Programs: By the means of these programs, depression and isolation of the patient suffering from this severe disease is reduced.

Physical Therapy: Along with physical exercises, physical therapies have also proved beneficial.

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